IBM and Swansea University have signed a Research Collaboration Agreement to set up a Centre of Excellence in Environmental Research and Modelling at Technium Pembrokeshire.
Following the establishment of IBM's Blue C supercomputer at the Institute of Life Science at Swansea University, this new centre aims to extend IBM’s research and development collaborations in south west Wales.
The centre will support research into environmental sciences and renewable energy, using high-performance computing and a top-end IBM visualisation environment.
Caroline Isaac of the IBM Systems and Technology Group said: ‘Together, over the past four years, IBM and Swansea University have built a highly successful team approach based on mutual trust and common research goals.
‘This latest development in Technium Pembrokeshire has been brokered by the university's Institute of Innovation and is further evidence of IBM’s commitment to its "Big Green agenda", and to economic development in south west Wales.’
One key application will be modelling ice shelf stability for the university's School of the Environment and Society to investigate. Current models cannot accurately reproduce ice shelf break-up, which requires complex high-resolution modelling of ice shelf flow and fracture mechanics.
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I think this vehicle will have uses beyond wheelchairs. The ability to wheel a heavy object into a vehicle would be very useful to the rest of us. ...