The manure from the 250,000 cows at the Huishan farm, located in Shenyang, will be converted into biogas and is expected to produce 38,000MWh a year through four GE JMS420 Jenbacher gas engines. The energy generated will be sold to the state grid in China.
In addition to the use of biogas for power generation, the liquid - residual from biogas production - will be used to nourish the grass in the pasture and the solid waste can be sold as organic fertiliser.
According to GE, biogas offers customers several advantages as it provides an alternative disposal of dung, liquid manure and biowaste, while simultaneously harnessing them as an energy source.
It also has the potential for reduction in greenhouse gases and is highly efficient for combined on-site power and heat generation. In addition, the remaining substrate from the digester can be used as agricultural fertiliser.
The Huishan Cow Farm is scheduled to begin commercial operation in September 2010.
Comment: Hydrogen requires a long-term mindset
I am not sure that a consensus is possible - unless it goes for liquid hydrogen (as an end product) - as (unless airships are revived) the parasitic...