E.ON, the German gas and power company, has begun solution mining at all eight caverns at its Holford gas storage facility in
The solution-mining process involves seven billion gallons of water pumped into underground salt deposits to create caverns that will be used for future gas storage. Once complete, the facility will have storage capacity for approximately half of the
The construction of these storage facilities form part of E.ON’s plan to keep household energy at an affordable price. The caverns will be developed over a period of five years with the first three caverns expected to be ready for use in 2011.
Dr Paul Golby, chief executive of E.ON
E.ON also plans to develop a larger gas storage facility near Aldbrough in
IEA report shows nuclear sector booming despite costs
Delays, in the UK, over approval of nuclear, seem to be the major issue (such as for SMRs). The report is about market finance and does not address...