Software designed to improve the reliability of microprocessors within consumer electronics has just been launched on both sides of the
His code-generating tool, called xState Developer, can be seen at the Embedded Systems Show at the National Exhibition Centre at
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xState Developer itself is a graphical state machine programming tool for the development of event based control logic. It covers both the design and implementation stages of the development life cycle using a ANSI C90 code generator to quickly implement designs.
Parkinson’s business idea is a direct continuation of the work he undertook for his final year project on code generation tools while studying for a BSc Software Engineering at UWE.
His company AGP Micro was set up in January 2005 in UWE’s city-centre business incubator, seven months after he graduated in June 2004.
A 30 day evaluation of xState Developer is freely available for download at:
September 1935: Class A4 locomotive enters service
And your last sentence continues to this day!