Elesa - market leaders in manual clamping have introduced a new range of eccentric cam operated levers ideally suited to equipment mounting on tubular frameworks. The Elesa GN927 series are designed for attachment to medical furniture, wheelchairs, trolleys, orthopaedic seating, therapeutic products, bicycles or other mobile equipment where rapid fixing/removal or re-positioning is required, e.g. rapid assembly of mobile stands or supports.
GN927 cam-clamps feature a smooth action cam clamping plate arrangement with fine adjustment by means of a knurled knob, or as a non-adjustable configuration. This cam with plastic clamping plate design ensures smooth torque free clamping to eliminate movement or "wriggle" during the clamping process, as well as ensuring that the clamping force cannot exceed set limits, which can be as high as 8KN. Both adjustable and non-adjustable types are available in female or male formats and thread forms of M6 and M8.
Since the GN927 clamps are intended for frequent manual operation, Elesa have paid special attention to ergonomic features such as touch comfort, feel and fit using their well proven glass-reinforced acetal resin based (POM) technopolymer for the hand lever itself. Further information on Elesa (UK) Ltd products may be found at www.elesa.co.uk
For further information please contact:
Tel: 01526322670 Fax: 01526322669
e-mail: sales@e/esa.co.uk www.e/esa.co.uk
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C2I 2024 Automotive winner: eVITA
I think this vehicle will have uses beyond wheelchairs. The ability to wheel a heavy object into a vehicle would be very useful to the rest of us. ...