At the Dental Showcase event to be held at the NEC in Birmingham, UK in October, Delcam will demonstrate the latest version of its DentMILL knowledge-based CAM system for machining caps and bridges in ceramics and titanium.
The new version includes an updated interface, with new icons specific to dental machining, automatic nesting options so that multiple copings and bridges can be produced within a single block to ensure the most efficient use of material, more flexible creation of support pins and the ability to add sintering pins.
DentMILL is a completely ‘open’ CAM system that accepts data from any dental design system or scanner capable of exporting data in the STL format used widely within the dental industry. Similarly, it can output machining toolpaths to virtually any CNC machine. Most other dental CAM programs are part of a ‘closed’ system that can only work with unique data formats or specific machining equipment.
The DentMILL process begins by orienting the model using ‘undercut shading’ to easily position the part to avoid any undercut regions before machining. The software then identifies the areas around the margin ‘prep’ line as very fine tolerances are used around this area to ensure high accuracy is maintained to give a perfect fit. Finally, the positions are specified for the fixturing pins to hold the part during machining. Sintering pins can be easily added at this stage also if required.
Once these stages are complete, the next step of manufacturing the model is completely automated. The toolpaths to machine the part are generated in a single button click process, so no prior machining experience is required.
The results are fully checked to prevent gouges or collisions. This method of machining ensures high-quality parts can be produced quickly to give a perfect fit for the patient with minimal hand finishing.
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