Spinout companies are making humanoid robotic technology developed by
General Robotix and Moving Eye worked with Pirkus Robotix and Dai Nippon Technical Research Institute to develop the bipedal Transformer-like robot dubbed "HRP-2m Choromet”.
Choromet is 35cm high, weighs 1.5kg, and has 20 degrees of freedom. It has triaxial force/torque sensors on its legs and an accelerometer and a gyroscope on its trunk. It also has a small, energy-saving controller that is driven in real-time by ARTLinux.
Choromet is based on AIST’s HRP-2 Promoet, which has been extensively used in academic R&D. Promoet never achieved widespread use because of its prohibitive price of over £50,000. Choromet was developed to enable the use of high-level research results like OpenHRP and ARTLinux with low-cost robots.
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