Carillion has won a £90m contract for the construction of two office blocks as part of the regeneration of King’s Cross.
The contract, awarded by developers Argent and landowners London & Continental Railways and DHL-Exel, comprises the construction of 450,000 sq ft of office space of which 250,000 sq ft have been agreed for pre-letting to Sainsbury’s.
Work is scheduled to start in November 2008 and be completed, ready for occupation, in 2011.
The regeneration scheme, which includes new buildings and renovations, will provide a new school, health centre, student accommodation, office and residential buildings. It aims to complement the recent restoration of St Pancras International to transform King’s Cross into a modern, vital link to the rest of Europe.
‘Together with HBG and Kier, Carillion will work with us to bring new life right to the heart of the first phase of development,’ said Tony Giddings, construction director at Argent.
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