Take Off In Aerospace is backed by organisations including the Make It in Manufacturing initiative (run by the Manufacturing Institute), BAE Systems, Manchester University, Rolls-Royce, SEMTA and the Northwest Regional Development Agency.
It is also supported by Liverpool University, the National Apprenticeships Service, MBDA, Airbus, STEMNET and Training 2000.
The campaign aims to showcase the career prospects, above-average pay, training, travel and other opportunities available in the sector through key activities and schemes working closely with the region’s schools.
The NWAA will be working alongside the Manufacturing Institute’s Make It in Manufacturing campaign to support a number of Make It in Aerospace enterprise challenges, which are set to involve up to 550 pupils, 60 schools and six industry partners during the next academic year.
Dedicated aerospace pages within the Make It in Manufacturing (www.makeit.org.uk/aerospace) website will include sector-specific interactive content aimed at teachers and 13-19 year olds, including case studies, profiles and resources. There will also be an awards scheme aimed at young people already in the industry.
Recent SEMTA figures show that the UK will need to train almost 30,000 scientists and engineers every year until 2016 in order to meet workforce requirements.
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In my first year at a ´Technical Grammar´ School age 11 the metalwork curriculum included making a number of small projects using lathe, pedestal...