MACH 2008 – 21-25 April – NEC Birmingham
With a stand at MACH 2008 designed to attract visitors with a golfing interest and, coincidentally, 18 machines will be under power on the C Dugard stand spanning five-axis technology, turn-milling, vertical turning, horizontal and vertical machining centres and a wide range of low cost turning solutions. The C Dugard presence will be the largest ever to an exhibition for the Hove based company providing ‘a something for everyone’ display.
With Hyundai-Kia, Korea’s largest machine tool builder for which C Dugard is the sole agent in the UK, Ireland and Russia, there is a range of 78 horizontal and vertical CNC lathes and machining centres available of which three of the latest generation main, subspindle and Y-axis turn-mill centres will be under power. Indeed, the SKT 150 SY, SKT 250 SY and SKT 200 TTSY, the later with 620 mm swing by 700 mm turning length, will demonstrate heavy duty Y-axis milling cycles from the VDI 40 turret.
A top of the range Hedelius five-axis, duplex table machining centre will be demonstrating ROTASwing® datum machining sequences on its right hand table and five-axis machining on the left hand table area. In addition to pendulum cycles that enable a single part to be produced on one machine the right hand table can also be fitted with trunnion and circular NC table. This feature enables two, five-sided machining sequences to be completed on the same machine involving duplicate set ups for one part of totally different components to be processed. Hedelius machines are available with XYZ travels up to 4.5 m by 1 m by 770 mm.
A large capacity elevating rail vertical turning lathe from You-Ji, which is able to supply machines with tables up to 3 m and motor powers of 75 kW, will be alongside the Hedelius. The YV-1200 has a 1,250 mm diameter table, 1,350 turning diameter by 1,200 mm high and 45 kW table drive.
From the Dugard Eagle stable, nine machines all new to UK exhibition will be under power including the new competitively priced X-5, a five-axis vertical machining centre, the first Dugard Eagle horizontal machining centre the MH-500, and a totally new bridgemill with a range of spindles up to 24,000 revs/min and 1.6 m by 1.3 m by 700 mm axis strokes.
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