Bluebeam PDF Revu Standard Edition is the ideal PDF solution for firms that need a smart and affordable solution to create, view, markup, and edit PDF files. Bluebeam includes plug-ins for MS Office and AutoCAD LT that install toolbar buttons for one-button PDF creation. Other CAD and Windows files are converted to PDF or 9 other files types using the Bluebeam PDF Printer driver. The Bluebeam PDF Printer has special predefined settings for converting files from top CAD applications including Autodesk Inventor, MicroStation, Pro/Engineer and Unigraphics.
Bluebeam PDF Revu also includes a PDF viewing, markup and editing application. The smart PDF viewer allows users to quickly navigate large format PDF files and view multiple files at once. Adding markups is as easy as clicking a button in the toolbar. With Revu, users can add text, highlights, lines, shapes and more that can be customised by colour, font and line thickness. Commonly used markups can be stored in the Tool Chest creating a customised palette for future use. PDF editing features allow users to edit text contained in the PDF file, and add, delete or reorder pages in a PDF document.
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