Bechtel is heavily involved in the Crossrail project, where nearly 40 per cent of the company’s engineers are female. According to Ailie MacAdam, regional manager for infrastructure, Europe and Africa at Bechtel, the company employs a significantly higher proportion of women when compared to the industry average across the UK.
“Bechtel now employs more than twice the number of women engineers than the UK average, almost 40 per cent of Bechtel’s engineers on Crossrail are women, and more importantly we have agreed what success looks like in regards to the diversity of our teams going forward,” she said. “We are pleased with our progress but will not be satisfied until diversity and inclusion is no longer an issue.”
According to WISE, the judges selected Bechtel based on its success in embedding the business case for diversity and targets for change throughout the organisation, with clearly defined responsibilities given to staff.
“The team has clear goals and measures, all employees have accountability and they are also pushing out their aims to their supply chain,” said Sarah Shaw, communications director at WISE.
“We hope that by winning this award they inspire their industry peers to achieve similar success.”
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