Azure Dynamics Corporation, a developer of hybrid electric and electric powertrains, has signed an agreement with Ford Motor Company to develop a hybrid electric powertrain for Ford's E-series vehicles.
Azure will complete the hybrid electric petrol system modification on the E-350 and E-450 commercial chassis. Ford, as the OEM of the incomplete commercial vehicles, will help Azure develop the powertrain.
D. Campbell Deacon, Deputy Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Azure said: ‘The agreement includes an intention for Azure to enter into a Ford Ship-Thru agreement which would allow the modified vehicles to be offered through the Ford distribution network. Ford has stated its desire to become a world leader in hybrid vehicle technology. We are excited to work on this product."
Azure Dynamics Corporation specialises in the development and production of hybrid electric and electric commercial and military vehicles and systems. Azure Dynamics' operations are based in North America and Europe.
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