Accurate and updated maps are crucial for the navigation of emergency services, and the nationwide roll-out of the new mobile data system, the National Mobilisation Application (NMA), developed in collaboration with mobile data experts Terrafix, aims to improve at-scene emergency response times and overall patient care.
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Terrafix were licenced to integrate Ordnance Survey addressing, roads and mapping products when building the NMA. These include OS Zoomstack, OS MasterMap Highways Network and AddressBase Plus. The application’s navigation is in line with the same OS datasets in every NHS computer aided dispatch (CAD) system, which is used in emergency control rooms nationwide, giving NHS services the same and most authoritative mapping data.
The corresponding systems mean that ambulances no longer need to be taken off the road to download the latest navigation and mapping data, as updates can be streamed to the in-cab systems using designated Wi-Fi hubs at key operational sites.
The YAS NHS Trust has installed the application in over 650 ambulances and rapid response vehicles, and has recently gone live with the trial.
Commenting on the pilot, Simon Marsh, chief information officer at YAS NHS Trust and project sponsor said, “YAS is proud to be the first to implement the new solution into our ambulance and rapid response vehicle fleet.
“Ordnance Survey mapping is a key feature of the new solution. We now have up-to-date, accurate mapping data being streamed to the vehicles, ensuring that we are always navigating and working with the best and most trusted information.”
Adding to this, Chris Green, managing director of Terrafix, said, “Terrafix are extremely proud to have been awarded both the National Mobilisation Software and National Vehicle Hardware contracts by the Department of Health and Social Care. Together, both contracts provide a completely new, cutting-edge solution for all Ambulance Trusts.
“It is vital that to deliver the optimum performance, the software and primarily the mapping remain completely accurate and up-to-date giving the frontline workforce the best user experience possible.”
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