According to research carried out by the Chartered Management Institute, managers in the engineering sector are highly motivated, but believe the impact they have on business performance goes un-noticed. Data collected over a two-year period shows that managers in engineering blame this lack of recognition for stalling career progression.
The findings show that one-in-five managers are motivated by the prospect of recognition from their employer. Eleven per cent is also driven by the status they hold amongst colleagues and nine per cent are motivated by competing with others in the sector.
However, the same managers imply that their efforts go unseen, with 23 per cent citing ‘old boys networks’ and 37 per cent citing flat organisational structures as key reasons for career stagnation. With nearly half of those aged under 40 seeking ‘personal growth and development opportunities’, one-third of organisations admit to losing staff because they offer limited career and promotion opportunities.
But managers are not content to sit back and bemoan their situation. The research shows that they want to demonstrate their ability to make an impact at work, with 53 per cent suggesting they are driven to perform by a determination to achieve goals and a further 31 per cent saying they want to help others grow. As a result of regular organisational change over the past 12 months, 20 per cent also expressed a desire to demonstrate impact by ‘challenging existing business models’.
Responding to these aspirations for recognition, the Chartered Management Institute has launched a website that offers managers in engineering free access to a new online diagnostic tool that identifies individual leadership and change management skills.
Connected to the Institute’s Chartered Manager programme, which recognises individual impact in the workplace, it has been designed to identify strengths and reveal where skills development is needed. Taking about 15 minutes to complete, the free tool is available here.
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Support required for improved, affordable and more capable manufacturing - not pouring funds at large companies and possibly fuelling (as public...