C2I 2024: Energy & Environment runners up

The shortlist for the Energy & Environment category threw up an eclectic mix of exciting projects

AGRI-SATT (Agricultural Growth using Remote-sensing, IoT, Satellite and Autonomous Telecommand Technology)

Brilliant Planet with Platinum Electrical Engineering Limited, University of Southampton, Scottish association for marine science, Efficient documents, Chelsea technologies, Clearwater sensors, AVEVA and Schneider Electric


HARRIER – towards constant beamed energy from space

Space Solar with International Electric Company Limited,Queens University Belfast, WaveRF and Jaltek


Hyperuniform Disordered Metasurfaces for Selective Absorbers

University of Surrey with University of Bristol, University of Northumbria, Humboldt University Berlin, Imperial College London, University of Washington, AES Solar, Arkenlight Limited, Etaphase Inc and JX Crystals


PRISMA; Advanced Liquid Air Energy Storage technology

Innovatium with the University of Birmingham, Aggregate Industries and City University of London


Solar-Powered Air Conditioning System Using PCM Energy Storage (PCM-ACStore)

University of Nottingham with Phase Change Material Products Ltd and Rubitec Nigeria Ltd