Nothing is more dangerous than trusting a defective voltage indicator to test for a dead circuit. Safe electrical work requires the use of a voltage indicator that has been proved with a proving unit before and after use.
Martindale’s range of GS38 compliant voltage indicators and proving unit are hard-wearing and reliable and the VI13700G voltage indicator is the essential safety aid for the working electrician. It checks rapidly and safely for the presence of AC and DC voltages from 50-600V, as required by the Electricity Council Recommendation G9/6.
The bright, long-life neon indicators give clear and immediate display of voltage. The return lead incorporates an HSC fuse, which, together with the retractable test prods, ensures that the unit fully meets all the GS38, M15/4, HSE, IEC1010 and IEC61243 recommendations. Instant, clear indication shows if a circuit is live, voltage range and whether AC or DC.
The tough moulded case construction and long life neons, combined with heavy duty, double insulated cable, large finger guard and a retractable, lockable prod sheath makes this the safest, most durable and reliable instrument of its type. The neons strike progressively to indicate range present, for both DC and AC.
Martindale’s PD690 is a portable, battery powered proving unit for the testing of contact type voltage detectors up to 690V. This unit is suitable for indicators with 230V and 415/440V AC or DC detection ranges, such as the Martindale VI13700G. The PD690 can also check Drummond and other filament lamps due to its output being sufficient to illuminate the bulb.
Martindale’s VI13700G voltage indicator and PD690 proving unit can be purchased at £39.80 and £79.85 respectively or as a package at £119.65, with a FREE carry case worth £17.50. They are available from all good wholesalers or online at or by calling 01923 650688.
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